13 Overpriced Beauty Products You’re Wasting Money On

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Keeping our skin healthy is one of our greatest forms of self-care. However, with the emergence of so many beauty products, we tend to get overwhelmed and would be at a loss for what to choose and what is overhyped. Well, here are 13 products you should probably skip to save bucks.

overpriced beauty products
Photo Credit: Pavel Danilyuk/Pexels


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Eye Bag Remover Cream

eye cream
Photo Credit: Photo By: Kaboompics.com/Pexels

If you’re using eye bag remover cream right now, you should probably stop. Although eye creams can brighten your undereye and help with fine lines, eye bags can only be changed by certain surgical procedures, according to some dermatologists.

Lip Scrub

lip scrub
Photo Credit: Polina/Pexels

If you want to remove dead skin cells from your lips, you don’t really need to buy expensive lip scrubs. You can do a DIY lip scrub with honey, sugar, and coconut oil at home! So save bucks and opt for cheaper alternatives by using home ingredients.

Cellulite-Reducing Cream

cellulite reducing cream
Photo Credit: cottonbro studio/Pexels

There has been no research to back up cellulite-reducing cream, as said by Dhaval Bhanusali, a dermatologist from New York. It is said that cellulite is a complex biologic process that no creams have been able to address correctly.

Brow Setting Gel

brow setting gel
Photo Credit: olia danilevich/Pexels

As someone who has experienced joining beauty competitions, I’ve learned that we don’t really need to purchase expensive brow soaps or gel just to tame our eyebrows. You can use your mascara glue and put it in a spoolie or spray your spoolie with a hairspray and brush your brows.

Pore-Minimizing Products

pore minimizing products
Photo Credit: Antoni Shkraba/Pexels

Did you know that the size of your pores is genetic? You read that right; that’s a fun fact for you! Going back to the topic, don’t believe any product advertisements that said they could shrink your pores. The best these products could do is temporarily minimize your pores but not diminish their size.

Topical Collagen

topical collagen
Photo Credit: Polina/Pexels

Flash news: topical collagens can’t really reach the dermis. The molecules found in these collagens can’t even penetrate the epidermis, as said by Omar Ibrahimi, a dermatologist from Connecticut.

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Cuticle Cream

cuticle cream
Photo Credit: Photo By: Kaboompics.com/Pexels

Most of the cuticle creams’ ingredients can be found in lip balms or salves, such as plant oils, beeswax, and vitamin E. The best example is Aquaphor; you can use it as a lip balm and as a cuticle oil, too!

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Exfoliating Scrubbing Brushes

face exfolliating scrubs
Photo Credit: Anna Nekrashevich/Pexels

Next is an exfoliating scrubbing brush. I suggest you keep your wallet away from expensive exfoliating brushes since no well-performed studies could back up their effectiveness.

Related: 15 Beauty Habits That Are Draining Your Wallet (and What to Do Instead)

Makeup Remover

makeup remover
Photo Credit: Pavel Danilyuk/Pexels

You can also skip makeup removers and just invest in gentle cleansers. They remove dirt, excess oil, and makeup altogether if you use it correctly.

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Day Cream

day cream
Photo Credit: Yan Krukau/Pexels

You might want to save more by not buying day creams since most sunscreens already contain the same ingredients for this. With this, you can save more money and time doing your skincare routine.

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Face Masks

face masks
Photo Credit: Anna Shvets/Pexels

You don’t need face masks since your daily beauty regimen should be fine. You should focus more on doing your beauty ritual correctly to get the maximum benefit it can offer.

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Stretch Marks Cream

stretch marks cream
Photo Credit: Pavel Danilyuk/Pexels

Topical medications for stretch marks cannot really fix the issue. They cannot penetrate the area where the products are supposed to fix, and they only moisturize the skin most of the time.

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Photo Credit: Alena Darmel/Pexels

According to a dermatologist, toners may actually dry out your skin. Instead, you can wash your face with benzoyl peroxide in the morning or use an antioxidant serum or glycolic acid facial wash. Choose among them based on what you want your skin to achieve.

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Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

13 Beauty Habits Boomers Swear By That Millennials Shouldn’t Ignore

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Image Credit: deagreez1/Depositphotos

When it comes to beauty routines, every generation has its secrets, but there’s something timeless about the habits Boomers swear by. While Millennials are often drawn to trendy skincare products and viral makeup hacks, Boomers have regular beauty routines or practices they strongly believe in and commit to.

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15 Things Millennials Do With Makeup That Boomers Think Are Weird

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Image Credit: Dariusz Domagalski /Pexels

Beauty is a reflection of its time, when Millennials and Boomers compare notes, it can feel like they speak different languages. When it comes to beauty trends, Millennials are all about self-expression, bold experimentation, and following the latest trends from Instagram or TikTok. Boomers, on the other hand, grew up with less complex approaches to makeup and skincare, prioritizing practicality over drama.

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Winter Outfit Idea
Photo Credit: La Passion Voutee.

Still reaching for the same tired winter looks? Don’t let frumpy outfits define your style—these 100+ modern winter outfits will keep you warm and effortlessly stylish. You deserve better than boring this season!

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