Casual Leather and Denim Outfit

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Happy new week everyone!

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Paired leather and spikes contrasted with silky white today.
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Hope you had a terrific weekend? Mine was filled with fun and laughter. Imagine, NK told me he had gotten banana bread for me (one of my favorite desserts). Famished beyond belief, I rushed down only for him to give me banana AND bread!! He got a good laugh while I scrambled to find something to put my growling stomach at bay. There shall be oxBLOOD in the nearest foreseeable future, lol. Like they say, “Those who laugh last, laugh best.” ๐Ÿ™‚
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I have held off wearing denim for quite a while now by putting on dresses/skirts HERE and THERE when the weather wasn’t bitterly cold. I attended a fundraising event on Saturday evening that featured a wide array of performances targeted at raising emergency funds for unforeseen circumstances for international students. I centered my outfit on the newest piece of item in my wardrobe, a Guess leather jacket (gifted to me by NK for my birthday) for this event.
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Check out my most recent feature on YCFOnline HERE as a fashion lover ๐Ÿ˜€ Have a great week my friends and as always, thanks for stopping by.

Shoes || Bucco finola pumps, love THISimage 7141611 11085047, more expensive HEREimage 7141611 10436858 |
Sunglasses || Armani similar HERE, love HEREimage 7141611 10632182 |
Jacket || Guess similar HERE, love THISimage 7141611 11085047 |
Denim || old similar HEREimage 7141611 10436858 and HEREimage 7141611 10930818 |
Shirt || Forever21 (old) similar HEREimage 7141611 10436858 |
(Get This Look)

Thank You!

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  1. Woah those shoes O_O
    I love the pop of colour you added to the outfit. It's really cool

    Oh and thank you so much for your kind words on my blog.
    I truly appreciate it ^__^
    Of course I would like to follow each other!!

    Love from Canada

  2. Nice outfit, i totally love the leather denim. For all kinds of real human hair at affordable prices, contact 24c9b266. Thanks

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